Why I wrote Healing Satori

This book is a summary of what I have learned in my lifetime including thirty-four years as a chiropractor. As I begin to close the chapter on my clinical career I have given much thought on ways that I can give back to my profession…and maybe in some way educate, enlighten and inspire.

Healing Satori was written in an effort to share wisdom I feel I have gained with my patients, my colleagues and all their patients and potential patients.  I have enjoyed a marvelous career in chiropractic. It is my humble effort to give back to a profession that has given me a very full and rewarding life.

There is no greater gift than the gift of health.  All of us want ideal health for our family, our friends and ourselves.  Unfortunately, all of us at some point have to face the realities of failing health.  Most of us are at a loss of what we can do to help those in the midst of a health challenge.

Healing Satori is designed to be a gift book to inspire the healthy patient and motivate the ill patient.  It is my hope that the reader will be energized to make a paradigm shift in health philosophy.  It is not a lengthy book and is meant to be read over a couple of evenings.  I actually hope this book will help people to feel healthier just by the experience of reading it.  In turn, it is my dream that others will want to share the message of Healing Satori.

Healing Satori – What it means

For over thirty years I have been collecting thoughts and stories of personal experiences with patients. These recollections felt random and disconnected when I first contemplated the idea of writing this book, for I did not know where or how to begin. I was having difficulty even coming up with a title…until one restless night at my cottage. I awoke with a start in the middle of the night and all I could visualize was the Japanese word, “Satori”. Never have I studied Japanese. I did not know where I had heard the word before and I wasn’t even certain of its meaning. My tossing and turning woke my wife, so I looked to her for explanation. While wondering aloud about my sanity, she sleepily informed me that she could not provide definition or clarification. I had no Internet connection at my cottage and no immediate way to understand why the word satori had become so prominent in my mind.

The first thing I did the next day when I had computer access was to research the definition. I discovered that satori could be translated to define awakening, comprehension, understanding, or insight. I could not think of a better collection of terms to describe what I felt compelled to write.

Satori is gained only through personal experiences, and in its simplest form it is described as a new point of view. Some describe it as a light bulb being turned on in the brain or enlightenment to the “big idea”. Satori is followed by a lifetime of further training.

A Teaser – The Table of Contents


Table of Contents




The Introduction

The Foundation


1. The Search

2. The Miracle

3. The Child

4. The Mission

5. The Innate

6. The Balance

7. The Germ

8. The Vibration

9. The Addiction

10. The Mystery

11. The Fence


12. The Optimist

13. The Image

14. The Laugh

15. The Recovery

16. The Challenge

17. The Breath

18. The Silence

19. The Attachment

20. The Teacher

21. The Mind

22. The Money

23. The Anchor

24. The Attitude

25. The Subluxation


26. The Adjustment

27. The Peak

28. The Secret

29. The Solution

30. The Mirror

31. The Beauty

32. The Logic

33. The Future

34. The Purpose